The Department of State issues an official submitting receipt to the filer of the Certificate of Incorporation. The submitting receipt reflects the date of submitting the name of the company an extract of knowledge provided in the Certificate of Incorporation and an accounting of charges paid.
The author want to thank Terry Nelidov and Allison Burtka for helpful feedback on an earlier draft of this text. For example Intel was instrumental in calling attention to the horrors of tin tantalum tungsten and gold mining within the Democratic Republic of Congo. While the corporate might have merely stopped sourcing such battle minerals from the area it did not want to create further hardship for authorized mining operations. Instead it helped create provisions in the Dodd-Frank Actthat require the monitoring and disclosure of such mineral sourcing throughout the broader electronics trade. These risks can immediately affect assets and operations availability and prices of inputs regulation of sourcing and distribution workforce availability and productivity and stakeholder popularity. For instance Nestlé Coca-Cola Cargill and General Mills have all faced threats to provide chains due to the decreased availability of water a as soon as-plentiful useful resource now scarcer due to climate change and overconsumption.…